Nassau Door A/S

Application Specialist

Are you going to be the new Application specialist at Nassau Door?
“50 years of experience gathered in one Garage Door”
Since 1970, NASSAU has produced industrial doors of the highest quality. The many years of experience mean that NASSAU today offers quality in all aspects. Everything from technical assistance in the planning phase, quality control in production, assembly carried out by highly qualified fitters and ongoing support, service and maintenance of the doors, ensures the optimal experience throughout the doors lifetime. Following great demand from architects, NASSAU has also started producing NASSAU Garage Doors for private customers in the same good quality.
The position as Application specialist at Nassau Door
Are you an expert at Axapta? And ready to take responsibility for a central business application, and want an international workplace? Now is the opportunity for you to become Nassau Door's new application specialist.
In this role you will maintain, operate and further develop the AX application suite across Nassau Doors locations. This means that you will ensure that the application is running as close to 100% as possible and accordingly plan and coordinate all change requests, patches and other updates to Dynamics AX.
You will perform risk analyses to ensure all desired changes are in line with operational requirements and decisions are made accordingly. This also implies that you will prepare requirements, documentation and coordinate with various stakeholders on the application. You will be at the head of application projects, i.a. take care of the schedule for the implementation, the documentation, the budget and at the same time ensure that we create a scalable solution that benefits our entire value chain.
We expect that you have experience with AX2009 and are used to working with configuration in the system. It is an advantage if you have experience as a superuser in AX and possibly previously worked with commercial tasks in the system.
Personal Skills
You have a structured approach to the task and project management, as well as a skilled problem solver. The ability to be personable and persistent is also essential to succeed in this position. You should expect to have travel days and be focused on business activities.
Professional qualifications
- You may have experience as an Application Manager, product owner or similar
- Experience with operational responsibility of a larger application
- Good communication skills, in both Danish and English at business level
- Extensive experience with project management
- Able to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to define processes to ensure smooth operations
- Extensive business understanding
Area of responsibility
In this position, you will act in a central role and be part of the organization's IT team, where you will have full responsibility for application management at budget level.
- Ensure scalability of AX suite
- Scaling up of internal training across the organization
- Project management of the rollout of a new AX version
- Establish good cooperation with product specialists and various super users in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium on a daily basis
- Evaluate and make recommendations regarding system additions and upgrades
The practical
Nassau Door offers a workplace with good working conditions and with salary according to qualifications. Additionally there is health insurance, fruit arrangement and an attractive lunch programme. The workplace is at the address in Ringe, within walking distance of the station.
You can read more about the company here:
Questions regarding the position can be addressed to recruitment officer Garny N.S. at Find & Connect 53851911 or
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